
Looking for Volunteer Hours? Join a fun and rewarding volunteer experience!


We can accommodate groups from 5 to 20 people in select volunteer positions. Our volunteer shifts are very flexible, and can work with any schedule. If you are interested in bringing a volunteer team from your organization, company, school, or community, please contact the volunteer coordinator for more information!


Gate Ambassadors are the A-Team of this festival! Volunteers welcome patrons to BuskerFest, raise awareness about epilepsy, and fundraise for Epilepsy Toronto. Tasks include: asking customers for donations, cheering, and communicating well. The Gate Ambassador role is a key volunteer position and it makes up the largest volunteer team at BuskerFest.

HQ assistants help with the volunteer sign-in/out process, inputting volunteer hours into the database, and keeping the headquarters tent tidy and organized. Volunteers who are organized, dependable, and efficient would excel in this role.

The Epilepsy Information Tent provides information about epilepsy, seizures, and Epilepsy Toronto programs to festival patrons. In this role, you will be hosting games that teach people about epilepsy, giving out prizes, and providing information.

Festival Guides provide information and directions to guests while ensuring that everyone has the best festival experience possible. Guides will be stationed at information stations or roaming throughout the festival to provide friendly assistance.

Kids Area Supervisors ensure families are having fun and programming is running smoothly! Common tasks include: Setting up/taking down activities in the kid’s area, engaging with families, ensuring the property is not damaged, and providing scheduling information to families in the area.

Accessibility Support volunteers help improve accessibility for all of our festival patrons. Volunteers on the accessibility team are stationed at the Busker Access Tents or at one of the accessible stages around the festival. They ensure that individuals who need help with accessibility have the support they need to have a great festival experience. Common tasks include: helping those with mobility issues travel through the crowd to the accessible stages and informing people about our accessible initiatives.

Festival Runners are the couriers and floaters of the festival. This role is key to ensuring that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes at Buskerfest. These responsibilities are constantly changing. Common tasks include: taking supplies to the festival gates, setting up the kids’ area, monitoring performers’ tech equipment, crisis support,  replenishing stock at the souvenir sales booths, and making sure all the volunteer teams have water at their stations. Note: Festival Runners are also responsible for filling in for other positions when we are short on volunteers (ex: Gate Ambassador).

Performer Stage Technician Assistants work with the entertainment team to make sure performances run smoothly. Performer Assistants are stationed at the various stages and music pitches throughout the festival and are responsible for supervising their area, notifying sound technicians about sound issues, aiding performers in setup, and handling other issues. We try to recruit volunteers for this role who have experience with stage tech (i.e., coil a cable, hang a light, set up a basic sound system, run a soundboard, lift a speaker).

Festival Runners are the couriers and floaters of the festival. This role is key to ensuring that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes at Buskerfest, specifically in supporting the festival performers. These responsibilities are constantly changing. Common tasks include: monitoring performers’ tech equipment, carrying out equipment, and supporting performers.

If you are a dog lover, this role is for you. Help customers capture memorable moments at our selfie stations, ensure full water bowls, and assist with our exciting dog agility course and dog costume contest.

We also need volunteer support to set up the festival (August 28th-29th) and take it down (September 2nd-3rd). This role may involve heavy lifting, organizational skills, and a love for doing different tasks.

Help to raise awareness and drive people to the festival. Must provide examples and submit their work to email: volunteers@epilepsytoronto.org be considered.

Captains oversee teams of volunteers in various positions. Acting as the Senior Volunteer Team, Captains motivate and provide leadership for other volunteers. They assist with Orientation/Training sessions prior to the festival and provide support to the Volunteer Coordinator.

– *We are looking for energetic volunteers who have strong leadership skills – please send us an email at volunteers@epilepsytoronto.org and let us know if this is of interest to you.


If you have any questions, please contact Epilepsy Toronto’s Volunteer Team: 


(416) 964-9095 ext. 233


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“We wanted to create a unique and memorable experience that brought epilepsy out of the shadows and into the public eye; an entertainment extravaganza that supports a greater purpose in aid of people with epilepsy and their families.” Geoff Bobb, Executive Director of Epilepsy Toronto

Torontobuskerfest.com | 2022 – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.